random nonsense and some links
"Everybody needs to fall in love! To fall in love is to value another person's happiness above your own, to want to be with them and make your lives together the best they could possibly be. Are you saying you would not like to love and be loved? Of course you would. Your partner is out there looking for you. You should probably get on this." This and more completely unserious and amusing anecdotes can be found at
this place Another great site for geeky humour is
GiantInThePlaygroundMan that sounded like some cheap commercial
Hey guys
I'm back from Nepal in one piece.(cheers) The holidays just ended with me actually doing half of my holiday homework(more cheers) and i'm back in school (boo's and rotten tomatoes). For those of you who were hoping for presents or something like that, if you haven't already gotten them, forget it. If not, good on you. Anyway i'm not gonna tell you what Nepal was like because it was really awesome and its kinda difficult to explain and if you were really interested you'd have asked me by now and found out on your own. Instead, i'll tell you about my sudden ressurrected interest in lego.
Those of you who know me well know that i'm really into lego. I have a huge collection of the stuff in my attic (ok so half of it is inherited from my 2 older brothers, but its not like they play with it or anything anymore) and I constantly visit sites online of people who build lego structures for a living. Its kinda weird and geeky and quite childish i guess but i don't really mind all that. I think lego are awesome, innovative things that allow for great creativity, nonsense and fun! However, when i got to secondary school, i simply didn't have as much time to mess around with my lego. Eventually lego got replaced by my friends and computer games which were less engaging and time-consuming. Recently however, after getting back from Nepal, I suddenly spent more and more of my time messing around with my lego. Everyday this week I played lego after coming back from school. Its kinda disturbing really and very time-consuming so i guess i should try to restrain myself from spending my afternoons tinkering in my attic. In any case, here are some wicked pics:
A really cool castle some middle-aged american man built
My extensive Lego Collection!
More of my extensive Lego Collection!Ok enough nonsense, back to work.