Friday, April 22

-Sunlight in her hair-

It sliced through the darkness
And slipped through the strands,
It glittered off her gentle head
As touched by angel's hands.

And in her eyes there it sparkled,
The subtlety of her radiance
As she smiled charmingly,
She bedazzled the audience

With the melody of a thousand angels,
She sang with all her soul.
And everyone was left mesmerized
At her amazingly perfect whole.

But I could only admire
From the back of the room.
In the shadow, she won't notice
Notice me, under the fallen gloom.

Did she know I loved her
That I admired her gracefulness
Her words like the sigh of lilies
choked me with heaviness

She had beauty, but I did not
I loved her so, she could never know
That my love could never fade
Passion unending, it could only grow

The light shone, on her sparkling form
As she left without a care
Her glory lost, forever gone from me
The Sunlight in her hair

-Written by Sarah Tsang-

-Alone without her-

I was sitting on the beach
that calm white shore
The smooth earth beneath me
like a fine sandy floor

I reached out to the sky
heaven smiled kindly
The clouds rolled on by
I lay there blindly

I was still waiting
but why was that so?
For what was i waiting?
why did everything move so slow?

I stretched out my arms
fingers aimlessly seeking
What was I looking for?
what precious teaching?

I was sad and adrift
alone without anchor
My mind was lonely seeking faith
but I was without her

She was who i was waiting for
but she would not appear
For her i am still waiting
but she still isn't here

I wonder when she'll come
but time was slowly gone
I heard the winds of time calling
driving pushing me on

Abandoned dreams I couldn't wait
my purpose and hope still unclear
I suffer in miserable loneliness
for now I'm Alone without her

-Written by Jeremy Tan-

Both poems were edited by Sarah and myself and are the result of our discussions over msn, pretty good eh?


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