Wednesday, September 14

Random Ranting

Life in the modern world is silly. When you're born, your parents go through mountains of paperwork so someone sitting in an office in the Istana knows you exist even though he never reads the paper work and so he dosen't. You grow up a little and you get sent into their nifty little educational system where everyone gets the chop of 'Produced/Brainwashed by MOE' stamped on their foreheads. Cram their 12kg worth of textbooks into the reccesses of our young minds, fill our heads with memorised facts of no real import and tons of useless knowledge we will never really use. You slog through mountains of homework assignments studying for your next big exam. The entire society in S'pore seems to be centered around those. When you leave primary school everyone you meet asks you "what did you get for PSLE, its a very important number you know, decides your entire life you know". Then in secondary school you are told the entire point of your existence at the moment is to study hard and do well at your O'levels when your sec 4, awesome life purpose man. Next you head on to JC or Poly depending on how serious you were about your 'purpose' in life and decide whether or not you need a fancy piece of paper on your resume so people fall heads over heels to pay you to slog for them. Well I honestly think its a really idiotic idea. Why should a letter or a number on a piece of paper decide my worth to society? Does the judgement and assesment of my memory of the contents of a physics textbook have any import on how useful I am. Since when does rote memorization make you an instant genius? I wonder why no one seems to have ever questioned the fallacy of such thinking. It seems that modern society has been built up on papers that don't mean anything and where memorization makes you clever and where the ultimate good is slogging your guts out so you can be a consumerist and buy all sorts of useless products to "stimulate the economy".

Wow did I just write all of this nonsense when i should have been doing my A math TYS homework.
Yeah shit I did, later.....


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