Monday, October 17

Good Poetry

I've been doing alot of reading on the net lately. Reading webcomics like Order of the Stick and Nuklear Power. I regularly read my brother's and a couple of other blogs. I've also been reading up on greek history through wikipedia and digonsite. Aside from that, i've also been looking at alot of poetry. If you've been reading my blog, (which for some reason I highly doubt), then you'll know that I haven't been writing any poetry lately. This is not because i'm lazy or too busy playing Guild Wars but is in fact because I can't for the life of me think of something to write at the moment. So i've been reading poetry and i've realised what a supremely subjective thing it is, one person's view of good poetry can completely contradict everyone elses and still be correct. Take this poem by some random anonymous fellow,

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to rid the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Cruel is love when all is hell

I honestly think its not that great, its a very standard, everyone has heard it before piece of rhyming poetry which in some peoples opinion is just crap. (Refer to my brother's post) But then again, some people like this kind of thing, pretty words with no particular meaning. It dosen't have to mean anything, take for example most of the music by Bach and the rest of their crew. Alot of it dosen't really mean anything, its just pure music, a shifting form that dosen't need to mean anything, and as far as human achievement goes, I don't think you can get much higher than Bach. So if the highest form of human achievement in the arts dosen't really mean anything, what does that say about the rest of the them? Since when does poetry need to mean anything, it all depends on how YOU feel when you read it, in the words of some author from I can't remember where "Poetry baby, is feeling".

Now for some Guild Wars


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