Saturday, October 22

Whats next for Jeremy?

Well, after I leave for OBS on monday, I will return exhausted on friday afternoon to prepare for a competition the following day, in which I will be debating against some of the best (and most annoying and cocky) debators my age in Singapore. After that, I get to study my life to inconsequential shreds until the 14th of November at which time I will go to work for SPH, or more specifically The New Paper (awesome isn't it?). Then, once that is over, I'll be packed of straight to church camp from 27th November all the way to December. After that, its a week of guess what? .......... MORE STUDYING until the 17th when I leave for a mission trip to Thailand (more awesomeness). I return on the 23rd or 24th (can't really remember) to enjoy a respite during Christmas and Boxing Day. Then its more studying until the start of term in January.

So there goes my social life.

cya guys


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