Thursday, September 29


The days cometh, they cometh soon
Those dreaded days, before afternoon
To test to try, our wearied minds
To blast to bind, our free time
Stress is mounting, tension builds
Exams are coming, flee for the hills!
Panic spreads, our minds rout
Mercy or compassion, it is without
Prepare now, and prepare too late
The time for that, was month no'8
Time is short, hope grows scarce
Pray to God, maybe he'll save you at last
But if your mind, is still in tune
Listen close, you poor buffoon
Study till midnight, hard and fast
And hope last-minute studies can save your ass

Friday, September 23

Student Storyline


His name was Jan, and he didn't like it. He had a strong dislike of it, in fact, he disliked it the very first moment he heard it. Even after he went to primary school and had to use it for just about everything he still hated it. In fact, he hated it so much that he kept a small black notebook for the sole purpose of saying so. He constantly told himself how much he despised his name. "Why couldn't my good-for-nothing parents have called me something grander or cooler" he would say, "like Aragon or Terminator or even Ichigo", to him, even a silly name like Harry would be better than Jan. Some people might say that one should accept ones own name and be at peace with it, "another fancy 'zen' concept that dosen't work," he would reply "if I don't like it, I don't like it, and no amount of meditating or sitting under trees will help" Some people might call this kind of behaviour childish. Well, Jan was childish, in fact he would be considered by most to be a child, albeit one with a rather impressive vocabulary and a very sharp tongue.

He didn't look impressive, at 13 years he was skinny and barely cleared 1.4 meters of height. He wore his pants at acceptable levels and had a shirt that constantly untucked itself without wanting to. His body was small and undersized, giving him others the impression of a primary school kid in the wrong uniform. His skin was fair to the extent that many of his female classmates envied his complexion. His head was rather big and looked disproportionate and slightly larger than it should be. His face was round, almost so round as to be circular and he had an odd twist at the left side of his mouth, making it seem as though he was perpetually scowling. His ears were rather normal however and were completely unnoticable under the brown shaggy mess on his head that passed off for hair. His nose was small and had to be wiped with tissue paper constantly due to the near unceasing flood of fluid that would issue forth from it the moment he entered his classroom. The most impressing thing about him in fact were his eyes that stared with a cold, piercing gaze that made most people rather uncomfortable. All in all he made about as much impression to us as an ant made to an elephant and he was happy that way. After all, that way no one would need to know his name.

Random Writing 3

11th December, 786 D.R.
Second Captain Geron Talhan of the 8th Legion,

The Saladari have pushed our forces past the 3rd perimeter, our defenses are failing. We are besieged and pinned in Fort Zarion. They assaulted us at a border watchfort 12 days ago, we fought them off temporarily but retreated to the Fort the following day with heavy losses. We cannot hold the gate for long and once it falls, all of us will be slaughtered. The Saladari will stop at nothing and between them and the Altaronian Forces, Fort Zarion will fall for certain. If help is to come it must come now!

14th December, 786 D.R.
Second Captain Geron Talhan of the 8th Legion,

They took the gatehouse on the 3rd day of the siege, fighting has been fierce but the keep will fall whithin the hour. All hope for the Fort is lost and we will abandon it. Once the keep door falls we will sally forth and cut our way through, with luck and the favour of the Gods we shall prevail and reach the Fortress of Kran'De Gor alive.

29th December, 786 D.R.
First Captain Eddard Talhan of the 8th Legion

The remnants of the 26th company of the 8th legion of the Amalosin Royal Army reached the Fortress of Kran'De Gor yesterday. Our pursuers arrived an hour later and were slain beneath its gates. However, the Saladari and Altaronian Armies are on the move and will arrive soon. Time is short and if the 2nd legion does not come then all of Amalos' eastern territories will be lost. In a war such as this, words can win as much as swords can. Diplomacy with Saladar is the only way to salvage this situation. Furthermore, supplies and morale are in short supply and many companies cannot be trusted to remain loyal once the siege begins, even my brother, Geron Talhan is not above suspicion. The 2nd Legion must come! Otherwise, nothing will be left of the 8th Legion.

Wednesday, September 14

Random Ranting

Life in the modern world is silly. When you're born, your parents go through mountains of paperwork so someone sitting in an office in the Istana knows you exist even though he never reads the paper work and so he dosen't. You grow up a little and you get sent into their nifty little educational system where everyone gets the chop of 'Produced/Brainwashed by MOE' stamped on their foreheads. Cram their 12kg worth of textbooks into the reccesses of our young minds, fill our heads with memorised facts of no real import and tons of useless knowledge we will never really use. You slog through mountains of homework assignments studying for your next big exam. The entire society in S'pore seems to be centered around those. When you leave primary school everyone you meet asks you "what did you get for PSLE, its a very important number you know, decides your entire life you know". Then in secondary school you are told the entire point of your existence at the moment is to study hard and do well at your O'levels when your sec 4, awesome life purpose man. Next you head on to JC or Poly depending on how serious you were about your 'purpose' in life and decide whether or not you need a fancy piece of paper on your resume so people fall heads over heels to pay you to slog for them. Well I honestly think its a really idiotic idea. Why should a letter or a number on a piece of paper decide my worth to society? Does the judgement and assesment of my memory of the contents of a physics textbook have any import on how useful I am. Since when does rote memorization make you an instant genius? I wonder why no one seems to have ever questioned the fallacy of such thinking. It seems that modern society has been built up on papers that don't mean anything and where memorization makes you clever and where the ultimate good is slogging your guts out so you can be a consumerist and buy all sorts of useless products to "stimulate the economy".

Wow did I just write all of this nonsense when i should have been doing my A math TYS homework.
Yeah shit I did, later.....