Saturday, January 7

Eating Habits

Here's a thought,

The physiology of weight is somewhat involved. Fat cells, once acquired, do not decrease in number, although the size of the cells may vary (Agras, 1987:8-9). Early in life, children who will become obese have a greater number of fat cells than nonobese children, and also experience a more rapid increase in the number and size of such cells during childhood and early adolescence.

The amount of fat in the body appears to be precisely regulated and maintained. This means that it is relatively difficult to change one's amount of body fat; if a change does occur, physiological reflexes will act to restore fat levels to normal. Studies have also shown that when the overweight person is put on a low-calorie diet, the body reduces its oxygen consumption, a measure of energy utilization, to compensate for the caloric deficit. This adjustment may occur quite rapidly, so that the benefits of lowered caloric intake may be largely offset in a period of a few weeks. Exercise can only offset this compensatory mechanism to a limited extent.

Taken from here

What this basically means for all the fat conscious conformists out there is this. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO UR WEIGHT AND SIZE IS GONNA CHANGE ON ITS OWN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!

So forget the diets, screw the lose-weight-fast pills and start actually getting a life!

Just a thought


At 10:33 am, Blogger happiwife said...


So next time just help me to buy Whopper and not Whopper Junior ok ;)


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