Friday, April 21

Debate Executive Committee Elections


Here are the instructions for your participation in the voting process!

-For all members of DOS, it is compulsory to vote for at least one candidate for at least 1 position available.

-If you do not wish to vote any candidate for a certain position, fill it in with "N.I.L".

-The places in contention for this election are
1. Presidency
2. Vice-Presidency
3. Secretary

-The Candidates for these places are
- Joseph Lim
- Fernando Loo
- Robin Lee

-Eligible voters: All Non-candidates, i.e. everyone except those three

Vote casting:
-Vote casting will be via email.
-Send your vote to“"

In your email, write the following,
-On subject heading insert your Name, Class and the words "VOTE" so as to allow us to ensure that everyone has voted.
-Write your choices for all three positions in the manner presented below
-Those who do not vote will get the heat from Mrs Quah

Heading of email:
VOTE: Abbas Zafar 4F
Actual Text:
President: Joseph
Vice-president: Fernando
Secretary: Robin

The results will be tabulated by Abbas and Jeremy, and the results will be announced in the first debate meeting after the midyear examinations.

If you have any further questions, feel free to use the comments system and/or tagboard at this blog. If you don't like that, you can call or email Abbas or Jeremy.

Best Regards
The Outgoing Debate Executive Committee


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