Monday, June 19

Random Writing 5

The door opens, a man strides through. Purposefully, he enters the room, looking more than anything like an insolent punk without a care for the world. The eyes around him watch in silence, his presence filling the canteen with tension. Some look with awe, others with resentment. He dosen't care. He throws his bag on a bench and heads for the vending machine in the back. The door behind him opens again and a hope arises in the young man's face. He spins around, looking, hoping for her to appear. But the face he see's is not her. Disappointed, he walks back to the vending machine and gets a soda. He walks back to his bag. However, his seat is taken by a scrawny looking boy. The boy regards him with apprehension and increasing fear as he draws closer. The young man reaches for the boy and...... just then the door opens and a young girl in the flower of her youth. She notices his suprise and smiles warmly at him.

He reddens, forgetting the offense of the boy. Perhaps to anyone else it wouldn't have meant anything. Perhaps if someone else had done it, it would have been utterly inconsequential. But the anyone else was him, and the someone else was her, and it meant the world.


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