Thursday, July 6

A Farewell of Sorts

I walk through the door of my home. It’s late and the hall is dark. Switching a lamp on, I glance at the clock which curtly displays the time. I notice that its 11.30. "She'd be boarding the plane about now" I think; "the plane that is taking her away".

I walk slowly up the stairs, reminiscing the times we had together. I remember the laughs, the smiles, the riotous sessions of Sunday school and the hilarious youth meetings. I sit on my bed and strum my guitar softly, trying to take my mind of it. The memories linger however. A profound sadness fills me. Silently, I look at the few photographs I have of her, recalling with fondness the joy that always surrounded her. I realize that I am losing a very dear friend for what seems to be a very long time.

I lay on my bed and attempt to sleep but rest evades me. The sounds of her voice linger in my mind. She made Singapore a sunnier and more innocent place but now she’s got a ticket to ride and our lives will never be the same again.

Here’s to you Jeanette. You’d better remember Singapore, it’s a darker place without you.


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