Tuesday, October 3

the present: a clarification and/or apology

I've been doing some thinking (not that I don't do this all the time normally anyway), but through the course of conversations with several of you over msn, I realise that by-and-large, the general consensus among my friends back home is that I'm generally slacking, having a good time and basically enjoying myself while everyone is working their butts off back home. This is not true.

This post is therefore here to clarify this very important issue. So as to be as completely counter-intuitive (and by extension as annoying) as possible, I will first deal with the accusations which are true, and will then proceed to list said accusations, before finally dealing with what I actually have been doing.

Firstly, it is true that I am spending more time (in school) out of the classroom than in it. This is not because I am lazy (although I am) but because that's simply the way college classes in the States are organized.

Secondly, it is true that I am basically happy and content with things as they are. This is not because I don't miss you guys, or home, or even (God forbid) the O'lvls. I do (exception of the last one). Its just that things are going well for me here and in the face of immediate blessing, long-term sadness is less glaring to me right now. The people here are nice too ya'know... Well, most of them anyway.

Lastly, it is true that I am happy that I got away from the O'lvls (I mean who wouldn't be?). I am profoundly regretful that I had to ditch 4D and all my friends and folks in Singapore to do it, but... I'll be back in June : P

Next section, I have been accused of:
-skipping classes to talk to people on msn
-being anti-social
-ditching my class (4D)
-abandoning my friends
-while having a good time
-being too happy while everyone else is working hard
-not working hard
-slacking off by taking a less demanding course
-spending more time out of the classroom than in it
-being too smart for my own good (whats with that?)
-forgetting that Singapore exists
-forgetting that my friends there exist
-being cold and heartless
-being a jerk in general
-if you want your complaint listed here, dial 1800-112-65...(just kidding)

In defense of myself:
I am not laughing at those of you who are back home. I sympathise profoundly with you and pray for you everyday! (well nearly everyday) My wishes and thoughts are with you almost constantly and I wish with all of my being for your success. If I come across as happy, joyful and maybe abit gleeful, it is only because I read a particularly funny joke on my Brother's blog (or somesuch thing like that) i.e. Not my fault!

Also, its a subjective matter, whether or not I am smart, so thats not valid grounds to attack me : P

Furthermore, during the first two weeks of coming here, I was VERY VERY SAD. I was devastated with homesickness, come on, if you've been reading this blog you should see that! I expected more of you. : /
If you're not convinced, dig up the August and September archives (ok so maybe I wasn't devastated, but I really did miss you guys)

I just wanna say that I miss you guys, (I still take out all the cards you guys gave me and read through all of them every now and then. See, I do care!)

What I actually have been doing is probably very different from your mental images. So let me dispel them! I have been going to church regularly, to John Piper's church. It's Bethlehem something something, and I go to it! I've involved myself with International Student's Organisation and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and attend their meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights regularly! (see! Not Anti-Social!)

I have also been busy with work. While I don't have to spend time in class, I have to read tons of books for class, write responses to said books, and at the same time, figure out what I'm going to write for my various '2 gabazillion words end-term essays'. Here's a list of books I'll need to finish before November:
Jesus, the Jew - Vermes
Jews in the Time of Jesus - Wylen
Huckleberry Finn - Twain
Bartleby the Scrivener - Melville
ATOM: Journey Across The Subatomic Cosmos - Asimov
The Complete Stories - Asimov
Caves of Steel - Asimov
International Politics (the textbook)
Not including all the articles and essays that I have to read and also all the books whose names I couldn't remember. In addition to at least 20 other books depending on what topics I finally decide on for my aforementioned '2 gabizillion words papers'.

So I am busy here too ok!
(Heck I just spent time writing this when I have an undone reading assignment for tmr. You think being college student so easy ah? #$@#$@$@^%!&^$%@!&*@^%$^%@&!)

Thats all I have to say for now


At 6:10 am, Blogger J Schnorng said...

you tell 'em, little brutha! being in college ain't easy!

that being said, you better start thinking of a major, and research, and ALL SORTS OF THINGS!!! HAHAHAHA

At 10:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite 'entertaining' - your defence - love your book list especially - can tell your pals really miss you! gm


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