Thursday, October 12

A Reprise

As is characteristic of idealists, I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to go about changing things. I am no fanatic and my belief in patriotism and idealism suffer their doubts as well. Doubtless it is well nigh impossible for any single person to engineer social or political change. Nevertheless, its not like I haven't given the matter thought.

The fundamental problem as I see things lies with our educational system. I feel there is a subtle indoctrination that takes place in our schools. It is not that of political subservience or repression, or even glorification of the PAP and its actions. It is the preeminence of material success that is placed in the mind of students like me and the subsequent relation of that eventual goal to hard work. In simpler terms, we have been told from young that our purpose in life is to make it big and to do so we must study our guts out, ignoring all else. On the surface that looks like it has nothing to do with political apathy. However, the Singaporean mindset is such that working hard and earning money has become the definition of a successful person. Big condos, sleek cars and multiple credit cards have become the trophies that we flaunt. They are society's Gods, and worship of them leaves no room for anything else. Everything else is inconsequential, a mere pastime, a leisurely activity that cannot take the place of what is 'truly important'. There is no space in this equation for political activism or for philosophical thought, or even devotion to religion.

Thus if any change is to start, it must start with the reform of this stressful mindset that has taken a stranglehold in the collective psyche of the Singaporean people. As to how thats gonna happen, I can only shrug and ask that you cut me some slack here. I'm just a ranting 16 year old who thinks he's smart, thats all.

As you might have guessed, this is a response to comments. Feel free to criticize or defend it, cos I like debates. I will respond to the comments on Nationalism at somepoint, I'm just not free now (then again, given my past record on dealing with arguments later, I wouldn't count on it) Oh well.


At 11:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is success to you? Would like to hear your views on success. Haze almost hit 100 today. Mei2 will be having 4 school-free days cos of PSLE marking. keep blogging. Good reading. GM

At 7:32 pm, Blogger anon. said...

I think you're on the right track, but maybe you want to view education in its policy context (see also real vs ideal aims and objectives of education policy) - as well as consider (as your Godma? suggests) the meaning of success, and the potential role (or lack thereof!!) for educators to discuss this with their charges (e.g. what's civics and moral education really about??).


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