Thursday, November 2

california dreamin

I had a weird dream the other day. I dreamt that I returned to Nanyang primary to start a christian debate team. I get all my debate friends from schools all over Singapore and also meet up with primary school buddies I haven't seen since PSLE. The debate team is kickass and gets a huge following and I start making fun of my old buddies because they are dressed in really outlandish clothes. Then I wake up.

I have weird dreams


At 10:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dreams often reflect our mental or emotional state. I remember having a dream in which I was on a very fast moving train and somehow lost my luggage. That was about 2 weeks after I had just joined a new school. The dream showed that I had lost the sense of belonging (=luggage) during the rapid transition (fast train) I had to make. This 'knowledge' helped me to tell myself to be realistic and not expect to feel a sense of belonging so quickly. As for your dream, it may reflect a mixture of desire to connect with your roots (primary school friends) and do what you enjoy (debate) but somehow these seem difficult to materialise now which makes the situation somewhat 'outlandish'. Adapting to your new environment will take a while; it takes time to form bonds and find opportunities to do what you really like to do. Hope this helps. Went to a 'gig' by 'Parachute Band' this afternoon with GP. Do you have their CDs? Love from GM

At 9:53 pm, Blogger aerasio said...

Haha thanks, I don't think I would ever have guessed that that dream could have such a profound meaning. Thanks for your advice Godma :P

And nope, I don't have any CDs by 'Parachute Band', are they a local group?

At 8:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a NZ band which has released 6 albums (gold status in NZ). In 2005 they released their 7th album ALL THE EARTH [Father, into your courts I will enter, Maker of heaven and earth......]
In 2006 the Gospel Music Association USA awarded the Parachute Band the ‘International Award’, for a performer or organisation from outside of the US that has made an impact not just in their own country.
We are not great fans of this band but they were in town so we went. The best thing is many young people who went to the concert rededicated their lives or accepted the Lord!

At 8:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do a search of Parachute Band on YouTube and watch one of their videos "To live is Christ".


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